Setup Infineon PSoC™ 6 board using ModusToolbox™

This section covers instructions for creating a project for PSoC™ 6 using ModusToolbox™.


Listed are the instructions for ModusToolbox™ tools package, version 3.1.0 running on Windows OS.

Creating project for PSoC™ 6 using ModusToolbox™

After installing the ModusToolbox™, create a project for your desired PSoC™ 6 device and IDE. If you are not familiar with the ModusToolbox™ ecosystem, following are the basic instructions to create a project for PSoC™ 6 and open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

  1. Launch the Dashboard application from the ModusToolbox™ tools package.

  2. Under the Create panel, select Microsoft Visual Studio Code as the Target IDE.

  3. click Launch Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox™.

  4. On the Project Creator Choose Board Support Package (BSP) window, select the desired PSoC™ 6-based kit. For this example, choose the CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 (opens in a new tab) kit and click Next.

  5. On the Project Creator Select Application window, expand the Machine Learning category, select Machine Learning Imagimob Data Collection and click Create.

    This code example allows you to program the PSoC™ 6 MCU to capture data from audio or motion sensors attached to an Arduino shield without requiring you to write any firmware. Supported shields include:

  6. When the project creation process completes, click Close. You can also close the Dashboard.

For detailed instructions refer to ModusToolboxUserguide (opens in a new tab).

Open project in Visual Studio Code

  1. In VS Code, open the application from the code-workspace file. For more details, see: (opens in a new tab)

  2. Open the application Makefile, and verify that the SHIELD_DATA_COLLECTION variable has the right shield. For example:

    # Shield used to gather IMU data
    # TFT_SHIELD              -- Using the 028-TFT shield
    # EDP_SHIELD              -- Using the 028-EPD shield
    # SENSE_SHIELD            -- Using the 028-SENSE shield rev**
    # SENSE_SHIELD_v2         -- Using the 028-SENSE shield rev*A or later

    By default, the code example is setup to collect data from the internal measurement unit (IMU). To collect audio data instead, open the source/config.h file and change the COLLECTION_MODE_SELECT define to PDM_COLLECTION. Note that the rest of this document assumes IMU collection.

  3. Program the kit by selecting Run and Debug and Program, and click the Play button.

  4. Press the SW2 button on the kit (labeled "USER_BTN1").

After creating a project for Infineon PSoC 6™ using ModusToolbox™, you are now ready to the capture data with PSoC™ 6 and Imagimob Capture Server. To know the detailed steps, refer to Data collection section in Model building using Infineon PSoC™ 6.